Principles of justice:

The theory of the Global Justice has the following principles, that we consider as indispensable:

The safeguarding of the libertarian democracy-principle as a goal, a method and an internal structure of Global Justice Parties.
The recognition and observance of national constitutions, as far as they are structured democratically.
The pursuit of a global coordinated inheritance law by consideration of an allowance, that is necessary to give enough incentive for a well going market economy ( predicted by us with $ 1,5 million US. per direct descendant and partner, with some further diversifications).
Freedom as the highest aim and principle of individual human rights and an objective practisable market economy, respecting human rights.
utmost avoidance of rivalries between the minimal planned economy and a possible market economy, assuming human rights.
The theory of the Global Justice looks at itself as an open source, which means, that all information, we place at your disposal and that you make available to us, are free of cost.